As I was thinking about how much I hate drama and how it hurts innocent people; I saw a word within the word – Ram. For a moment I was thrown back, RAM. So, like always I did a word study. Words can bring life and death to any situation. Thus the reason I really want to know the meaning to every word.
We are all guilty of paying for entertainment in the form of a good movie or drama. The drama I am talking about is not on the big screen or the flat screen. It’s in homes and between families. It is vengeful, hurtful and leaves long lasting scars. It doesn’t hit or RAM its intended target at all, it hurts the innocent. The ones we AIM to protect are the very ones that get impinged in the battle. What is the battle all about? Really, I take the side of the innocent. I will not pick up the flying words that get hurled or used to ram another. This is my stand on drama. I stay silent and I realize that in silence I am not helping the hurting.
Look at the definition of ram –
: to strike with violence, to make compact (as by pounding), : to force passage or acceptance of : to strike against violently
Your words bring life or death. What are you speaking? About your ex? About your kids? About your boss? About the neighhbor? etc. Seriously, our children hear everything, even the unspoken sighs, gestures…our body language screams. Choose life! Speak life!
Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Love drama? Then you eat the fruit of destruction. A ramrod is used to bring about destruction. (to load a charge in a firearm)
In your fight for who’s right, you lose the battle. Stop clamoring! It is time to stop and come together. I always get deeply hurt by drama. I love both “flame throwers”. I realized a long time ago though, if I am going to die for a cause it better be a cause worth dying for. I will die to bring peace. I will die to self. I will die(or silence) myself even if I believe I am right. I will love others. I will esteem their needs above my own. I will love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength AND love my neighbor.
Will you?
Stop the drama at home,
at work,
in your church,
in your neighborhood.
How do you stop it? Do something to show the other person you value them,
Stop the gossip, no really I mean don't listen to it or start it or continue it.
Matthew 5:9
God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.
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