Saturday, September 26, 2009

Oh look, I wanna touch it

I am sitting here enjoying this fall evening with my family. We are watching one of my all time favorite movies.... Finding Nemo

You know you can use anything to teach your kids a timeless truth.
That reminds me of a great quote from one of my mentors.

We must use what is cultural to say what is timeless
Reggie Joiner from the book Nuturing the Leader within your Child written by Dr. Tim Elmore

So, we are laughing and quoting our favorite scenes as they come up and it hits me...Hit pause Stacy and tell the kids a timeless truth. This film will be something to help etch this truth in thier lil hearts and minds.

Before you watch the clip, lets look at what I said...
I said that is so what the Bible says sin is like in Hebrews 11:24-25 (New Living Translation) It was by faith that Moses, when he grew up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. 25 He chose to share the oppression of God’s people instead of enjoying the fleeting pleasures of sin.

In this clip, which is very funny by the way, you see Dory and Marlin in the dark. All of the sudden there is a bright light. - It looks pretty Dory says, "I wanna touch it". The light lures them in and then the really big scary teeth appear.

I told my kiddos that the devil has a conterfeit "light". He makes it look really good. We call that fake light - sin. He lures you in and before you know it you want to touch it. In the verse above, I explained that the bible says that sin can be pleasurable for a season, but its end is distruction. It looks pretty but before you know it, the big scary teeth are there...sin will also bite you. It can destroy you.

First thing I told them is when in the dark We should be the light! Matthew 5:15"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.

Second you can't hide sin -
He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy (Pr. 28:13).

Third- Don't follow the crowd
My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them (Pr. 1:10).

Be the leader and the light!
The only way to not fall for the fake light is to read your bible.

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light for my path.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Nines

In Nine minutes tell me one thing you think I need to know, have to know to grow in ministry.

One thing that will spark study.
One thing that will intrigue me enough to investigate it further.
One thing that will make me reThink. (plugging a mentor)
One thing that will provoke dialouge among my team.

I had nine minutes several times over during the FREE online conference called the Nines. It was hosted by Leadership Network and Catalyst.
I took over 25 pages of notes. I listened with intent and an open heart and mind. To me it was like pulling up a chair and having coffee with several people of like passion.
I was stretched yet tethered. I would catch myself leaning in, hanging on words and wanting to hit pause to soak it in. I would text my lead pastor with quotes. He was listening in as well.
One of my favorite, and there was several speakers was Reggie Joiner. He champions the cause for children's and family ministry. He became someone I followed to gleam from years ago when I heard him at Dream. After his nine minutes I grabbed my bible and dug into Nehemiah. I also ordered his new book Think Orange and it came today in the mail.
I found myself wanting to hear more from some and yet there were a few I welcomed the bathroom break. I watched for almost 7 hours. 7x60=420 minutes. The breaks at the top and bottom of the hour helped me to collect my thoughts and glance at my notes to make sure I could read my short hand later.
I am looking forward to the videos and notes coming soon from each speaker. There is a few I will wear out by replaying.
I would love to go to catalyst but can't afford to get there this year. The Nines was my catalyst for 2009.
Thanks Leadership Network for a great FREE online conference.