I remember my wedding day like it was yesterday even though it has been 20 years and 54 days.
I remember my dad saying if you don't want to do this we can leave right now. LOL
I so wanted to say I do to Chris Waldmann. I remember saying our vows in such tender tones and feeling his lips against mine when the minister said, "you may kiss your bride". We then realized the ceremony was over and it was time to walk back down the isle together united. I remember watching the video later and cracking up because we practically ran down the isle together.
20+ years later we still experience tender touches, soft spoken tones and great timing.
We know how important our marriage covenant is and wish to make it stronger by attending marriage encounters like Romance Uncensored.
Enjoy the video and remember...
Don't Run...
Don't Run RU from Zach Lee on Vimeo.